Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican: A “Laudato si’” Village in Castel Gandolfo

This is an initiative open “to all people of good will,” in which the activities launched in the coming months intend to combine “circular and generative economy and environmental sustainability,” explains the Governorate’s press release.

Francis has entrusted the development and realization of the project to the Laudato si’ Center for Higher Education – a scientific, educational and social organization, working for integral formation,” continues the official note -, which will have the task of translating the intuition of the pope into concrete works, with the commitment to protect the natural and historical heritage of the Pontifical Villas.

“Pope Francis recalls Laudato Si’, reiterating that ‘Caring for our ‘Common Home’ is a way of taking responsibility for our neighbor, and at the same time recognizing the infinite beauty of God and contemplating the mystery of the universe.”

The press release urges a real ecological conversion, which must translate into “new convictions, new attitudes and new lifestyles” through “a formation of consciences inspired by the sharing of goods, by respect for the dignity of each person, by free labor. and free giving.”

Transformed into a museum, the papal palace of Castel Gandolfo will house a training center for integral ecology, the Governorate of Vatican City State announced on February 2, 2023. Located southeast of Rome, in the foot of the Alban Mountains, on the shores of Lake Albano, the Palace of the Popes provides an exceptional setting for Francis’s project to establish a “Laudato si‘” village.