Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican hosts climate summit for political leaders, scientists (Pontifical Academy of Sciences)

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences are hosting From Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience: A Vatican 3-day Summit for bending the curve and bouncing forward to climate resilience.

“The Climate Crisis is upon us,” the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) warned. “It will get lot worse over the next few decades as planetary heating shoots past 1.5C by early 2030s.”

“The warming curve is likely to bend around the latter half of this century in response to global scale actions to mitigate emissions of the heat trapping pollutants,” PAS continued. “We no longer have the luxury of relying just on mitigation of emissions. We need to embark on building climate resilience so that people can bend the emissions curve and bounce back from the climate crisis safer, healthier, wealthier to a sustainable world.”

Speakers include scholars and political figures, including the governors of California, Massachusetts, and New York; the mayors of Rome, Sao Paolo, Paris, London, and Boston; and the White House’s deputy for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation.