Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican Mints Coin Canonizing COVID-19 Vax

VATICAN CITY ( – The Vatican has issued a 20-euro silver coin celebrating the contested abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccine. 

Vatican coin marking reverence for “Mother Earth”

The coin is “dedicated to a current theme that is very close to Pope Francis’ heart: treatments to counter the pandemic and the need to be vaccinated,” the Vatican Philatelic and Numismatic Office announced Monday. 

Designed by Italian coin and medal artist Chiara Principe, the coin depicts a doctor, a nurse and a young person who is ready to receive the vaccine. The three characters are wearing face coverings. 

“The Holy Father has repeatedly stressed the importance of vaccination, recalling that health care is ‘a moral obligation,’ and it is important to ‘continue efforts to immunize even the poorest peoples,'” the description of the coin from the Vatican office added.

“A Vatican commemorative coin dedicated to the ‘need to be vaccinated’ against COVID-19 is something serious scholars and people of goodwill would have gladly done without,” eminent Italian ethicist Dr. Fulvio Di Blasi told Church Militant.

These drugs are not technically vaccines; they statistically kill a number of people.

Di Blasi, author of Vaccination as an Act of Love? Epistemology of Ethical Choice in Times of Pandemics, elaborated: 

I receive this news with a mixture of deep pain and concern for a Church that is increasingly in a crisis of identity and truth. These drugs are not technically vaccines; they statistically kill a number of people, and, according to the latest studies, they even have negative efficacy. While judicial rulings against them multiply more and more, the Vatican increases fanatical support for them, which is not scientific at all and which is foreign to revealed truth.

The Vatican also issued a 50-euro gold coin dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy. The coin depicts Mary with her mantle outspread, under which a multitude of believers find shelter. It is intended to honor her as the protector of humanity from the evils of the world. 


The figure of the Virgin Mary is surrounded by the words, in Italian, “listening, love, help, welcome.” The words “listening” and “welcome” are two of the Francis pontificate’s buzzwords.

In August 2021, Vatican City imposed a “Green Pass” on residents and staff, enforcing institutionalized medical apartheid in violation of the Nuremberg Code, the Italian Constitution and a Council of Europe resolution.

I think the optics raise concerns that there could be potential financial conflicts of interest.

Even princes of the Church like Cdl. Raymond Burke, who had recovered from COVID-19 and possessed natural immunity, was not spared the draconian measures — Burke was refused entry into Vatican offices at the express orders of secretary of state Cdl. Pietro Parolin. 

Earlier this year, Pope Francis held secret meetings with Pfizer vaccine oligarch Albert Bourla, triggering speculation of an undisclosed special arrangement between the Vatican and corrupt Big Pharma. 

Pope Francis’ interfaith dialogue stamps

Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion in 2009 for what was then the largest health care fraud settlement ever. The company spent over $21.8 million in 2019–2020 and $6.7 million in January–August 2021 on lobbying the government, making it the biggest spender of any individual drug company during the COVID-19 crisis. 

“I think the optics raise concerns that there could be potential financial conflicts of interests between Pfizer and the Vatican,” Dr. Alan Moy, CEO and cofounder of biotech company Cellular Engineering Technologies, told Church Militant. 

Meanwhile, the Vatican’s “vaccine coin” is raising questions over earlier controversial stamps and coins during the pontificate of Francis. 

In 2021, the Vatican Philatelic Office issued a block of six stamps boasting snapshots of Pope Francis’ encounters with leaders of the world’s major religions over the past six years, highlighting meetings with Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu leaders.

In 2020, the Vatican mint issued a 10-euro silver coin depicting ‘Mother Earth.’ 

The stamps illustrate Francis’ new doctrine, elaborated in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, that “the different religions, based on their respect for each human person as a creature called to be a child of God, contribute significantly to building fraternity and defending justice in society,” the Vatican Philatelic and Numismatic Office explained.

In 2020, the Vatican mint issued a 10-euro silver coin depicting “Mother Earth” for World Earth Day. The coin symbolizes the earth’s fertility “with long ears of corn” entwined with the mother’s plaited hair, the Numismatic Chronicle stated

Vatican stamp celebrating Martin Luther

The Vatican portrayed the image on the coin as that of “a mother carrying the earth, to which we owe care and love as if she were a daughter.”

A five-euro silver coin released in the same set depicts “St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, opening his arms wide as a sign of welcome on behalf of the Church to all those migrants and refugees who flee every day from hunger, poverty and conflicts.”

On the 500th anniversary of the Protestant revolt, the Vatican issued a postage stamp featuring Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon — two of the protagonists of the so-called Reformation. 

The stamp portrays Martin Luther on the left side of the Cross, kneeling in “a penitential disposition” and holding “the Bible, source and destination of his doctrine.” 

On the right, is “Philip Melanchthon, theologian and friend of Martin Luther, one of the main protagonists of the reform,” holding his Augsburg Confession — the first official public presentation of the principles of Protestantism.‎

“We have the opportunity to mend a critical moment of our history by moving beyond the controversies and disagreements that have often prevented us from understanding one another,” Francis remarked.

In 2017, the Vatican stopped minting euro coins bearing the image of Pope Francis, replacing his image with the Vatican coat of arms and the 12 stars of the European Union.

— Campaign 32075 —