Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Vaxport’ for Sacraments

The head of Europe’s conference of bishops is shilling for Big Pharma and the globalist agenda. Church Militant’s Trey Blanton explores the latest capitulation of the Catholic hierarchy to COVID tyranny.

According to Cdl. Jean-Claude Hollerich, “Pope Francis dreams of a Europe marked by a healthy secularism where God and Caesar remain distinct, but not opposed.”

Cdl Hollerich is living up to Pope Francis’ “dream for Europe” by agreeing last week with the globalist plan of demanding proof of vaccination to attend Mass. The cardinal’s home country of Luxembourg enacted a law as Christmas began that requires a vaccine passport or “green pass” to attend a Mass with over 19 people.

Hollerich has assured Italian press that his diocese “adhered in a convinced manner.”

Not all priests agree with tyrannical measures, including an F.S.S.P. priest in America.

Fr. Daniel Nolan, parochial vicar, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: “They’re having forums and saying, ‘This is where the world is going.’ And guess what they’re saying: ‘COVID-19 is a great place to start. We’re going to take advantage of what’s happening and bring the world to this one-world government.’ That’s what they’re trying to do.”

Back in Europe, Hollerich has called out reticent priests and bishops in places like Poland, saying they are causing “hurt and disorientation.”

Hollerich’s actions are in stark contrast to those of America’s bishops, who refuse to deny Communion to pro-abort politicians because, according to the Vatican, the Eucharist is “medicine for the weak.”

Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the United States: “It is a war fought not with weapons but with illegitimate rules, wicked economic policies and intolerable limitation of naturals rights.”

In Europe, the hierarchy appears to value the effectiveness of the jab over the power of Christ.

This “no vaccine, no Mass” policy coincides with European bishops asserting Catholics do not have a right to conscientious objection on vaccines. Slovakian Catholics are stridently protesting this position.