Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Victim Advocate Seeks Justice for Former Seminarian

NEW YORK ( – A victim advocate is calling on the Brooklyn diocese to help a former seminarian who was driven away by a clerical predator. 

Gene Thomas Gomulka recently wrote two open letters — one to the clergy and laity of the Brooklyn diocese and the other to the laity of Brooklyn’s oratory parishes, St. Boniface and Assumption — on behalf of Timothy Passow, who was forced to abandon his pursuit of the priesthood after the novice master tried to groom him.

The Novice Master’s Predation

In 2022, Church Militant published Gomulka’s article, “Survival of the Least Fit,” detailing what happened. 

Passow officially began as a novice at the Brooklyn Oratory in March 2021. He received guidance and mentorship from Novice Master Fr. Michael Callaghan, C.O. 

Fr. Michael Callaghan

But Passow’s discomfort with Callaghan became apparent shortly after his arrival. He grew increasingly uneasy as he perceived the priest’s behavior as overly familiar. Callaghan’s actions included offering Passow shoulder massages and frequently touching his waist and lower back, which Passow found inappropriate.

The situation escalated when Callaghan attempted to persuade Passow to spend the night at his residence in Delaware. This made Passow feel extremely uncomfortable.

Then, two months into Passow’s tenure at the oratory, he was working alone to reupholster the pews. He found an iPad in the sacristy and discovered Callaghan had downloaded the gay dating apps Grindr and Growlr. Deeply disturbed by this revelation, Passow took screenshots of Fr. Callaghan’s profile as evidence of the priest’s actions.

Passow concluded Callaghan was attempting to groom him, so he raised his concerns with the oratory’s provost, Fr. Anthony Andreassi, C.O.

But Passow observed that Andreassi appeared reluctant to take action against Callaghan and another priest at the oratory, Fr. Mark Lane, who apparently had a male friend outside the oratory whom he called his “life partner.” This led Passow to leave the oratory.

On Aug. 27, 2021, following his return to Florida, Passow took action by documenting his distressing experience. He reached out to both the diocese of Brooklyn and Fr. Marco Guillen, C.O., who served as the delegate of the Holy See for the oratory. Notably, at the time, Passow was unaware that Bp. Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn had faced a second abuse lawsuit earlier in the year. The Vatican ultimately cleared the bishop of wrongdoing.

It became apparent that Callaghan had not been removed from his position.

However, Passow’s initial communications yielded limited results. Despite the evidence he presented to Andreassi, it became apparent that Callaghan had not been removed from his position. 

Frustrated by this lack of action, Passow composed an email addressed to members of the parish council at Assumption of the Virgin Mary parish. This email contained incriminating photos and text messages retrieved from Callaghan’s Grindr account on the parish’s iPad.

Gomulka’s Open Letters

In the letter to the clergy and laity of the Brooklyn diocese, Gomulka urged concerned Catholics to demand “justice for Passow.”

“I strongly encourage you to write or call Bishop Brennan and Father Mark Amatrucolo, the acting administrator of the Brooklyn Oratory parishes where the abuse took place,” Gomulka wrote. “Respectfully urge them to help Timothy Passow pastorally and financially or resign and find another line of work.”

Brooklyn Oratorians (from left to right): Fr. Mark Lane,
Fr. Anthony Andreassi (provost), Fr. Michael Callaghan,
Br. Timothy Passow, Fr. Dennis Corrado, Br. James Simon
and Fr. Mark Amatrucola.

“If Bishop Brennan fails to act in a morally responsible manner and considers himself unaccountable to the faithful of his diocese,” he continued, “then I would encourage you to protest outside the Brooklyn Chancery as Catholics did in Buffalo, Knoxville, Wheeling–Charleston, and other dioceses, which forced the resignation of Bishops Malone, Stika, Bransfield, and others.”

Gomulka concluded, “If you wish to avoid your parish being closed within ten years due to a lack of straight vocations and priests, then call Bishop Brennan’s Office and demand ‘Justice for Passow.'”

In his letter to the laity of the Brooklyn Oratory parishes, he urged concerned Catholics to do the same, with a few additions. 

“I am writing this open letter requesting all concerned Catholics of St. Boniface and Assumption parishes contact Bishop Brennan; the Victim Assistance Coordinator; Father Marco Guillén, C.O., the Visitor General of North American Oratories; and Father Mark Amatrucolo,” Gomulka wrote. 

“Please respectfully urge them to act in a morally responsible manner and help Timothy, who served you faithfully at your Brooklyn Oratory parishes,” he advised.

— Campaign 31877 —