Order. Discipline. Brotherhood. Greatness.

Waking Up on Time?


The drama over the U.S. Supreme Court leak (revealing a high likelihood that Roe is going to be overruled) is playing out in grand fashion — exactly as predicted. The only difference is everyone expected the Left to become uncorked at the end of June when the actual ruling is handed down.

Most got caught off guard owing to the premature leak but, as usual, the Left has quickly regained its footing (just like it did after Trump was elected 2016) and is now on the offensive again — resorting, of course, to their usual weapons of violence, intimidation, all with the support of complicit media.

Those media giants, of course, back the child killers because they agree with them, and they agree with them because they share the same worldview and agenda. In short, they see the connection between all these agenda items of abortion, homosexuality, contraception, transgenderism and so forth. In fact, while those on the political Right seem in a fog about the connections, the Left actually trumpets them.

In an article this week in the alt-left publication The Independent, this headline summed up exactly what Church Militant has been pounding the drum about for years — so at least thank you, liberals, for making that clear to the zombies on the Right. Perhaps they’ll listen to you, since they are all upset about our tone. The headline said, “Attacking Transgender Rights and Banning Abortion Are Part of the Same Theocratic Worldview.”

The drama over the U.S. Supreme Court leak is playing out in grand fashion.

The Independent is spot on. It is all the same God-centered view. What else would it be? And again, the Left gets it, which is why they are attacking Catholic churches over the Roe news. They see the connection, but the Right either doesn’t or doesn’t want to. But, for the sake of Christian charity, let’s say they simply don’t see it.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen had some thoughts on both views. First, presuming ignorance, he said, “It is characteristic of any decaying civilization that the greatest masses of the people are unaware of the tragedy.” He also said, “Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives.”

But then, presuming a willful ignorance, he said, “Men do not want to believe their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times. If there is no fixed concept of justice, how shall men know when it is violated?”

However, there does appear to be, on the political Right, some stirring, some dim awareness of all this — that at the heart of the current crisis is a lack of understanding of the spiritual war we are in. At various talks I’ve given over just the past year (as well as Vortex episodes and so forth) where this theme has been pounded, even in front of specific political gatherings with mixed audiences of Catholics and Protestants, people always, without fail, come up afterwards and say, “I’ve never thought of this whole mess in these terms before.”

“These terms” are nothing other than a Catholic worldview. Period. They aren’t my opinions. They are truths of Catholicism, a worldview that is the only acceptable worldview there is. All others are wrong.

As the early 19th-century Spanish counterrevolutionary author, diplomat, politician and Catholic political theologian Juan Donoso Cortés once correctly penned, “Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution to all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota is disorder, deception and error.”

This is the driving force behind today’s crisis — the lack of faith. As Sheen puts it, “Only those who live by faith know what is happening in the world. The great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.”

Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

So this begs the question, how have they fallen? It’s a simple answer with multiple dynamics but, in short, because leaders of the only force capable of saving civilization have been severely compromised. Here’s what Pope St. Pius X said in 1907 about what he saw developing in the Church and what needed to be done:

Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The priest must unveil to the people their perfidious plot, their iniquitous design. You will be called Papist, clerical, retrograde, intolerant, but pay no heed to the derision and mockery of the wicked. Have courage — you must never yield, nor is there any need to yield. You must go into the attack wholeheartedly, not in secret but in public, not behind barred doors but in the open, in the view of all.

Pius, however, didn’t realize that the very men he was charging to fix the problem, the priests, were already on their way to becoming the problem, even then. A hundred years ago, modernism had already established a beachhead in the Church. That’s why Pius felt the urgency to address it in his 1907 encyclical. But while (at the time) a majority of clergy were not yet modernist, there was insufficient response to it.

In short, good men let evil triumph and, since that happened in the Church, then it was a short step to the chaos we see all around us today in the culture. This is why no strategy to restore the culture will achieve any real, sustainable success until the evil in the Church is properly addressed. Unfortunately, the clergy is too compromised, complicit or cowardly to do anything about it, as we see countless examples of every single day.

That means it falls to the laity, however few there are, who do understand what the Left so easily grasps — that what is going on is a war between the forces of God vs. anti-God. The big question has two parts — will a sufficient number of people wake up, and will they wake up on time to the real issue to turn this all around? It won’t take very long to know the answer, one way or the other.


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