Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

What We Do


With the flood of news and information that happens every single day, we here at Church Militant consider it our duty and responsibility to sift through that information and present it all in the most authentically Catholic manner possible. That often means looking into dark places and telling stories that many folks don’t like hearing. But the truth must always come out. We produce these programs and reports with a level of refinement and source vetting unparalleled in the world of Catholic media and, in many circumstances, the Luciferian media as well. 

For example, in a Special Assignment that we spent months working on — a report we called “Den of Thieves” — we began the Herculean task of trying to unravel the ongoing financial scandals at the Vatican bank and the relationship of Vatican secretary of state Cdl. Pietro Parolin to a money-laundering scheme stretching across the globe. 

In fact, Cdl. Parolin is one of the named defendants in a civil lawsuit filed in California involving the defrauding of a Jordanian businessman who refused to go along with the money-laundering scheme. We have a link to our exclusive Church Militant Special Assignment right below and highly encourage you to view it.

The truth must always come out.

We know many people don’t have the stomach for all this evil and corruption, but that approach doesn’t make it go away. In fact, the silence and lack of exposure only encourage corruption. Likewise, it was Church Militant, just last week, that reported exclusively on the massive scandal of another of Pope Francis’ cardinals, Oswald Gracias of India. Secret phone recordings were leaked exclusively to Church Militant — phone recordings of Gracias talking with a bishop about his being accused of sexual assault and impregnating his victim.

On the phone call, Gracias is conferring with the bishop on how to keep all this covered up by having a DNA paternity test done at a Catholic hospital, where he can exercise his influence and intimidate the hospital into not releasing the results. Again, no loyal son of the Church can remain indifferent to these monstrous evils and stick his head in the sand. They must be exposed and dealt with.

Our coverage of Gracias and the fallout has erupted internationally, yet, of course, here in the United States, the bishop-controlled Catholic media won’t make a peep because they lack integrity. But in addition to our exclusive reports, we also have unique programming — troves of it, hundreds and hundreds of hours — which we add to routinely. For example, if you didn’t already get the memo, Mic’d Up is back! In our weekly Mic’d Up show (now entering its 8th year) we discuss new topics every week and look at them through a purely Catholic lens. 

No loyal son of the Church can remain indifferent to these monstrous evils.

Our first episode (which went out last week) was with the author of 59 books, Dr. Paul Thigpen. Yesterday, our second Mic’d Up went out, and we had with us Franciscan University professor Dr. Deborah Savage. And next week, we have with us Fr. Mitch Pacwa!

Mic’d Up is just one example from the video vault of our Premium programming, loaded with catechetical, apologetic and Church history material by the truckloads. This is what we do here at Church Militant. We connect the dots to help Catholics understand the current state of affairs — the real state of affairs in the Church and the culture — so you can be the most well-formed and informed Catholic that you can be.