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Where’s the Apology?


So after two years of absolute lunacy over the COVID scam, the CDC just quietly drops a press release last week and says, “We’re all good now, folks.” In one line —stunning in its understatement — the last two years are just brushed aside: “This guidance acknowledges that the pandemic is not over but also helps us move to a point where COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts our daily lives.”

First, the World Health Organization announced last year that the so-called pandemic was over — so there’s that. But the second half of that sentence really bears scrutiny: “COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts our daily lives.” Let’s be very clear: It was not COVID-19 that severely disrupted our daily lives, but the government using COVID-19 to disrupt our daily lives. And that extends to the U.S. bishops, many of whom are in league (or at least ideological lockstep) with the Marxist globalists in government.

What did the government do? 

They shut down the economy, caused the bankruptcies of thousands of small businesses, manufactured a reason to ignore all voting laws en route to an election theft, instituted mask mandates, gave Big Pharma trillions of your dollars for a so-called vax that does not work (ask Joe Biden). And, in the process, they made those same pharmaceutical companies legally exempt from any lawsuits or claims, fired countless military and civil servants who refused it and ordered all businesses with more than 100 employees to jab them all (that, eventually, got tossed out by the courts).

Every one of these “rules” had a massive knock-on effect, and those do continue to disrupt our daily lives in thousands of ways. The government handouts to average Americans have forever transformed the economy and the labor pool, as people just sat home and were paid to not work. The “vax” question tore families and marriages apart as people chose up sides. 

They completely and totally went along with it.

The medical side effects are too numerous to count, including, most especially, the deaths. The “stay in your house” promotion opened the door for fraud through mail-in voting, which gave the nation the most unpopular and least competent president and administration in U.S. history. The current occupant of the White House — there because of the election shenanigans owing to COVID propaganda — has completely tanked the U.S. economy and brought about conditions most Americans alive today have no reference point for in their lived experience.

A supply-chain crisis has been overseen and advanced by a homosexual who took paternity leave with his perverted lover, as store shelves emptied. His response to the high price of gas was “Buy an electric car; it’s good for the environment” — completely sidestepping the reality that the electric power grid they so despise (fueled by coal) is how you power your electric vehicle.

This is one giant ball of yarn so tangled up together that it’s virtually impossible to disentangle. All we can ever really do is talk about aspects of it like gas prices, food shortages, supply-chain problems, the baby formula crisis, inflation, and life-altering medical side effects. But make no mistake, all of those (and many more) add up to one solitary thing: the complete transformation of the United States as we have known it.

And Joe Biden has not caused it; he is merely finishing it. His former boss, Obama, is the one who set it all into high gear, setting the stage for everything you see going on right now. He completely remade the nation’s intelligence agencies through huge personnel changes, up and down the ranks. He set the table for Hillary to come in and finish it all off, but then Donald Trump happened. The man had to be stopped at all costs, shut down, with his “America first” rhetoric. He could upset the entire plan. 

In reality, what he did was highlight the uni-party swamp and delay the implementation of operation “America last.” The awareness he brought to their plans galvanized patriots across the country and created a civil war within the GOP to oust the RINO establishment. That war is in full swing right now; we’ll see how it turns out. But having won in ’16, despite having his campaign spied on and a Democratic fabricated dossier (which was nothing but lies) used as a pretext to spy on him and his campaign, the Deep State swung into high gear and hampered him for four years, largely through the exploitation of the media.

The constant hammering, coupled with the COVID-fueled election, was enough to get him out of office, and, now, every possible weapon in their arsenal is being used to prevent him from getting back into office. COVID has now outlasted its usefulness — time to shelve it. Perhaps it might be helpful again, but, for now, it’s time for a new crisis strategy. So in the midst of all this willful destruction of a nation, what did the bishops do? They completely and totally went along with it.

Those weak, emasculated pansies couldn’t wait to jump on the COVID-scare bandwagon, closing every parish and refusing sacraments, even to the dying. They also still, to this very day, propagate this falsehood right in the very church building themselves. Hand sanitizer by the gallon has become part of the “ritual” of the Mass. Face masks, while not generally demanded, are still “encouraged” and very visible — got to keep that fear level just right. And away from center stage, chancery officials who didn’t want to get the jab were fired, and seminarians were kicked out and not allowed to return to their pursuit of the priesthood.

That last one keeps the herd thinned with weak, complacent “go-along” type men, regardless of their own personal orthodoxy. “Oh, the bishop said I have to have an abortion-tainted jab shot into me if I’m going to get ordained, so I have to be obedient.” Heck, even to this day, right here in the archdiocese of Detroit, Abp. Allen Vigneron refuses to permit a priest from outside his diocese to come in long-term and help relieve the heavy workload of current pastors unless he is jabbed. Part of the globalist plan in locking down control is the destruction of the Faith. In fact, from a diabolical standpoint, all the rest of everything going on is in service to that.

We’ll say it until we are blue in the face: Weak men suck.

Satan doesn’t give a rip about economies and political policies and so forth, not in themselves. He cares about all this only in so far as it all advances his goal of the destruction of souls — brought about most expeditiously by the flattening of the Catholic faith. What better way to bring that about than through weak males (many of whom are homosexual, who cooperate with a Marxist agenda either through willingness or cowardice or confusion or indifference)? 

Neither the government nor the bishops can just come out and say that they were wrong for the immense suffering they brought about temporally and, most especially, spiritually. Even those few in either arena who have come to realize the truth don’t have the fortitude to actually say it and apologize. To apologize would be more than just saying “We’re sorry.” It would import something like, “We were wrong.” It would expose the incompetence of some and the wickedness and deceit of others. Both would be bad, but the second one would be horrible. So don’t hold your breath for an apology.

We’ll say it until we are blue in the face: Weak men suck. They are destroyers of the good, and it doesn’t matter whether they intended to or not. God will judge their intentions and punish them accordingly. But we live with the effects of their actions in the here and now. The entire civilization is on the brink. It may, in fact, have already fallen off the edge and would therefore be unsalvageable. But none of that matters. The only truly Catholic response is to fight. We fight. We leave it to God to handle the disposition of our fighting.

But whatever the outcome for the culture, the outcome for our souls is eternal life. It’s why a saint once said, “The only way to win is to die fighting.” Just don’t expect to hear an apology along the way from those you are fighting.


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