Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Why Pro-Abortion Activists Desecrate Churches

Since the news broke that the Supreme Court may be poised to overturn
Roe v. Wade,
some pro-abortion activists have responded by vandalizing Catholic churches and disturbing Masses. While the threats to disrupt worship
en masse
and even burn the sacramental elements seem to be overblown so far, the backlash against religion is surely a sign of the times. Most obviously, the sartorial choices of some of the activists (dresses inspired by a sermonizing Margaret Atwood novel) speak to the infantilism of our age. Clearly, there is no issue so profound—not even the mystery of the creation of new life—that cannot be reduced to sophomoric silliness. But if the idiom has been that of puerile performance, the focus on churches indicates that desecration is becoming a default strategy for the political class in the modern West. And that bodes ill for some of our most basic freedoms.

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