Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Will Congress Challenge the Lying FBI?


FBI Director Christopher Wray needs to be hauled before Congress and charged with lying. And the matter is most especially of note to Catholics because it was his agency’s secret monitoring of Catholics that he’s lying about.

You’ll recall that back in February an internal FBI memo was leaked showing that the FBI was spying on and treating faithful Catholics as domestic terrorists — in complete and total violation of the U.S. Constitution. Church Militant was named specifically in that report on page four, along with some other groups the FBI reserved for the appendix.

In sworn testimony, Attorney General Merrick Garland pleaded stupid to any substantive knowledge of the report and his FBI director, Christopher Wray, assured Congress that the report was an isolated incident, specific to only the FBI field office in Richmond, Virginia. He provided a redacted document, which, at first, seemed to support that narrative.

The head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation lied to Congress.

However, since then, under hammering from Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, some of those reactions were revealed — and now we know that it was not just the Richmond field office engaged in this, but offices in Los Angeles and Portland as well. And it could easily be others as well.

Christopher Wray went before Congress and lied and engaged in an attempt to conceal evidence from lawmakers. He needs to be removed and criminally charged, and the full measure of whatever criminal penalties can be leveled against him should be. The head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation lied to Congress. Let that sink in. 

House Republicans need to stop pussyfooting around with their usual nice crap and fry this man. And they need to move on from him to Merrick Garland as well, and the entire cabal of these Biden administration monsters weaponizing the justice system against faithful Catholics, as well as other Christians of goodwill.

These government leaders do not accept the Constitution; they actively fight against it and go after those patriotic Americans trying to uphold it. They need to be behind bars (at least) for treason. These are not innocent mistakes; they are a years-long pattern at this point.

They first label faithful Christians as terrorists and then use that label as an excuse to surveil them and build a legal case against them. If this sounds akin to what they are doing against Trump, you’re right. It is.

The Second Amendment was not put in place so we could hunt deer.

The investigations are not investigations at all but are theater to enforce a predetermined outcome. And then, once they have “proven” their case, they bring legal action, based on their lies. This is exactly the type of government that the Founders warned about and gave citizens the ability to defend themselves against — legally and physically, if necessary.

The Second Amendment was not put in place so we could hunt deer. It is ensconced in the Constitution to prevent this type of tyranny. House Republicans need to stop talking and start impeaching. It’s that simple.

No more excuses. No more slow walking. If nothing happens to these tyrants, they will be emboldened. They need to be removed from office, charged criminally and sent to prison, at a minimum.

And for the record, this isn’t just a Catholic thing. It’s a patriot thing as well.