Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Wolverine War


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

Despite the constant harping by the Left that people need to move on from the 2020 election, an enormous percentage of Americans still believe that the election was either stolen or that we don’t know who actually won.

Surveys produce varying results, but about one-third of all voters and two-thirds of Republican voters believe Biden is in the Oval Office because the election was somehow rigged or, at least, badly mismanaged.

And to show how persistent and current that belief is, in the ongoing primaries around the country, it is largely the Republican candidates who espouse this belief who keep winning, as highlighted in this article from last month.

The feeling among rank-and-file Republicans that Democrats stole 2020 is intense, and they are the ones turning out to vote — and doing so in record numbers. And this feeling is finding a concrete reality in multiple ways, which largely explains the success of the movie 2000 Mules, available largely away from the big screens and being intensely viewed at home by millions.

The movie by Dinesh D’Souza outlines a team of investigators exposing the fraudulent election, and polls of people who have watched it, including Democrats, say the flick has increased their conviction and anger.

The 2022 midterms are shaping up to be what experts call a “revenge vote.”

The 2022 midterms are shaping up to be what experts call a ‘revenge vote.’

The Democrats and the national media had hoped — and even encouraged the belief — that as time went by, fewer and fewer voters would remember or care. Things are turning out, however, to be the exact opposite, and now that the primaries are in full swing, these voters finally have a way to begin to vent their anger.

But it’s not just the Democrats that middle-class Americans are ticked off at. It’s also the Republican leadership, as well as even Donald Trump himself. Trump has endorsed a flurry of candidates for both federal and state offices all over the country, but an increasing number of those endorsements are raising eyebrows with the base.

Many were scratching their heads over his endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate primary, but the recent smiles and hugs extended to Congressman Kevin McCarthy ticked off quite a few. McCarthy is seen as pure GOP establishment, one who did nothing to listen to the pleas of the little man in the wake of 2020.

On this subject, conservative commentator Pedro Gonzalez said, “Trump endorsing Frank Luntz bunk buddy Kevin McCarthy, instead of using his political capital to undermine bad GOP leadership, is a sign that Trump has not learned much after all this time about who is and is not America First.”

Another guy took to Twitter, essentially saying the same thing: “Trump’s endorsement of swamp rat Kevin McCarthy makes me think that he has learned absolutely nothing from his past mistakes. If he were to be re-elected, he will most likely surround himself with the same losers and backstabbers as he did in his first term.”

These tweets pretty much sum up what many conservatives are thinking right now.

Kristina Karamo is a prime example of how strongly the revenge vote may factor in this election. She’s running in Michigan for secretary of state against incumbent Jocelyn Benson, an autocrat who helped make sure nothing was done in Michigan to investigate the steal. Benson simply locked down and shut down all access to voters’ calls for a statewide inquiry into the claims.

But Benson’s tyrannical approach was greatly assisted by a complicit GOP state leadership, headed up by big-money Republicans, spearheaded by the DeVos family, owners of Amway in the western part of the state. That leadership wants nothing to do with a grassroots Republican candidate like Karamo.

While Karamo is not Catholic, she is closer to a Catholic worldview than many big-name Catholic politicos whom the bishops support or, at the very least, rarely say a word about. In fact, there is a parallel thing going on between rank-and-file faithful Catholics and rank-and-file Republicans.

There is a strong feeling among both — and there is a lot of overlap between these two camps — that they have been massively betrayed by leaders, and large numbers of each point to the same reality that there has been a rejection of core Christian teachings among the elites.

Church Militant has interviewed Karamo on three occasions now, this last one being here in the studio. In many ways, she is like many we have interviewed — the anti-candidate, someone who is not concerned with the political game but with making politics work for the people.

There is a strong feeling among both camps that they have been massively betrayed by leaders.

It’s much like Catholics who are walking away from the Church of Nice and its abandonment of core beliefs in favor of the latest “cause of the month,” depicted by an increasingly confusing flag with so many agendas represented that even some leftists aren’t sure what it all means.

Thanks to a rebellion in the ranks of delegates to the Republican convention earlier this year, Karamo is already the party nominee for Michigan Secretary of State and there isn’t a lot the GOP elites can do, although they are trying dirty tricks behind the scenes.

Therefore, Karamo, with her Trump endorsement in hand, will go on to face off against a woman who successfully shut down every challenge in the state to the 2020 election results. She just won’t have any real backing from the party establishment, who would be content to allow Benson another four years in order to prevent a candidate of the people from winning.

If you’d like to see the full interview of Kristina, please click on the provided link.