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World Catholic population slightly up in 2021 (Fides)

The world’s Catholic population grew by 16.2 million in 2021, but the Catholic percentage of the world’s overall population dipped slightly, by 0.06%, according to figures from Church’s Book of Statistics.

In its annual statistical survey of the Catholic World, the Fides news agency notes that the number of Catholics— and the overall population— grew on every continent except Europe. At the end of 2021 the world’s Catholic population stood at 1.4 billion, or 17.7% of the overall population.

However, the number of Catholic priests fell by 2,347, bringing that total to 407,872. The decrease was most notable in Europe, followed by the Americas; the numbers grew in Africa and Asia.

Similarly, the number of women religious declined by 10,588, to a total of 608,958. Again the decline was most dramatic in Europe and the Americas.

The Catholic Church operated 175,000 elementary schools and 49,000 secondary schools in 2023. Counting all levels from kindergarten to university, Catholic educational institutions serve nearly 70 million students. The Church also runs more than 20,000 health-care institutions and 25,000 homes for the elderly, ill, handicapped, or orphans.