Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Worldwide Rosary Rallies

Fr. Donald Calloway: “Demons fear this thing. Nobody slays a dragon without a sword. That’s what this is.”

Christians throughout the centuries have sought Our Lady’s help in times of need, confident they would not be left unaided.

Church Militant’s Nadia Hazimeh showcases how people around the world during this time of crisis are again turning themselves over to Mary’s care, armed with their Rosaries.

Public Rosary rallies are on the rise as the faithful take the fight against evil to the streets. France — the eldest daughter of the Church — is leading the way. Rosary crusaders in over 780 towns and villages are praying Our Lady will defend them, as vaccine passports loom.

In Austria, leaders like Alexander Tschugguel have arisen to lead the charge against tyrannical lockdowns with Rosary rallies throughout the country. Faithful in the United Kingdom are praying to put their country — currently undergoing the most severe crisis in history — under the protection of Our Lady.

Fr. Calloway: “Both the holy ones and the fallen ones — what they can see in my hand right now is a source of unbelievable power.”

Faithful men in Ireland, in the spirit of St. Patrick, are chasing the snakes off the island in Armagh, Derry, Newry and Belfast.

Men in Hungary and Poland continue to implore Our Lady for her help.

And Catholic men in the United States are joining the crusade. In Austin, Texas, on Saturday, Feb. 5, men will gather, their most powerful weapon in hand.

Public Rosaries are spreading, and organizers encourage everyone around the world to start their own rallies.

Last April, Bp. Athanasius Schneider spoke of “a great living Rosary chain across Ireland.” Now, one is beginning to encircle the entire world.