Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Your confessional is ready’: A Denver Catholic high school started using restaurant buzzers to help coordinate confessions, and it’s actually working…

As you walk the halls of Bishop Machebeuf High School in Denver, you won’t find any lines for confession. Instead, students simply pick up a buzzer, like the ones you see at your neighborhood restaurant, and wait for it to light up. Father CJ Mast is the Chaplain at Bishop Machebeuf. He says, “At first, it was kind of a joke we were just laughing about it. But then I think it was our principal, Mr. Siegel. He said, ‘well, let’s just go for it. If it’s a flop, it’s a flop. But it could be a great thing, and it could work out, so let’s just go for it.’”