Oregon inventor, 90, turns his genius to sheltering homeless people

PORTLAND, Ore. (CNS) — In a sturdy homemade woodshop amid filbert orchards not far from the Willamette River, the gears of 90-year-old Vern Stuewe’s mind crank all day. “What does the world need most right now?” Stuewe often asks himself. A longtime member of St. Mary Parish in Corvallis, Oregon, the inventor ruminated on the […]

We are not Christians if we wage war against one another

Commenting during the Sunday Angelus on the Gospel passage in which Jesus tells His disciples to love their enemies, Pope Francis lamented, “How said it is when people and populations that pride themselves on being Christian see one another as enemies and think of waging war against each other!” Read all  

Nigerian air strike kills seven children in Niger

Seven children have been killed and five injured in Niger, in an airstrike by the Nigerian army targeting bandits whose activities are responsible for a wave of killings and kidnappings. Read all  

Concerning a Certain Diocese…

My dear Wormwood, I want to applaud you with regard to the work you have undertaken in one of the Enemy’s foremost dioceses in the Americas. For far too long, that detestable place has flourished virtually unchecked by us. But since the enthronement of our beloved Pachamama in Rome, events have gone better than I […]