Great Art Can Be Propaganda
Authority and Freedom:A Defense of the Arts by jed perlknopf, 176 pages, $20 Continue Reading »
Equality in Equities
A few years ago—not long after the arduous process of studying for and obtaining my licenses to act as a financial adviser had ended—I encountered something my training hadn’t prepared me for. I had just taken a leap from a steady consulting career with a reliable paycheck to a path with greater long-term potential, and […]
Germany’s ‘Synodal Way’ Divides Local Catholics
Thomas Lohnes Bishop Georg Batzing (L), Chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference and Cardinal Reinhard Marx (R) talk during the final day of the “Synadoler Weg” Catholic Reform Movement Congress on February 05, 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany. Some laypeople who spoke with the Register support its heterodox approach, but others warn their local Church is […]
BREAKING: Pope Francis confirms FSSP ‘not affected’ by his ‘general’ restrictions on Latin Mass
In a meeting February 11, Pope Francis confirmed the Fraternity of St. Peter’s ability to continue using the liturgical books of 1962, following a worldwide novena to Our Lady.Read More
Huxley’s Brave New World Is Here
The family has been dismantled, monogamy is reviled, and promiscuity is the norm. Parents are obsolete. The government indoctrinates and raises our children, and it keeps the population subdued through widespread state-sanctioned drug use. Reproduction has moved to the laboratory: new generations are genetically engineered into varying social classes and are industrially grown. It might […]
Polish Catholic bishops’ leader calls for ‘open and hospitable hearts’ to refugees from Ukraine
Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. / Warsaw, Poland, Feb 21, 2022 / 03:05 am (CNA). The president of Poland’s Catholic bishops’ conference appealed to Poles on Monday to show “open and hospitable hearts” to refugees from Ukraine in the event of further military action. In a Feb. 21 message, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki lamented the escalation of […]
Murder of child shines spotlight on Brazil’s ongoing land disputes
SÃO PAULO – The murder of a 9-year-old boy in a disputed area of land in Brazil’s Pernambuco State exposed many in Brazil to the gravity of the current situation of rural workers who are waiting for land reform. Jonatas Oliveira was shot dead by unknown men who broke into the family’s house saying they […]
Latin American prelates brief Pope on their ‘synod before the synod’
ROSARIO, Argentina – Following a historic meeting of the Catholic Church of Latin America and the Caribbean last November, senior leaders from the region recently traveled to Rome to discuss the fruits of the gathering with Pope Francis. “We are all very pleased, because Francis blessed our work and efforts,” said Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos of […]
Cameroon bishops warn ‘those who take the sword will perish by the sword’
YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon – As the separatist conflict continues to escalate in Cameroon’s English-speaking regions, the country’s Anglophone bishops warned that “those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” The Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province covers Cameroon’s English speaking North West and South West Regions. Separatists in the two regions been fighting for the past five […]
On the Road Again
TRANSCRIPT We’re barely into it, but 2022 is already turning out to be a big year for Church Militant. In the current climate of what can best be described as “clown world,” with its ever-increasing upside-down madness, we are attracting more and more eyes looking for some explanation for all the insanity. The result is […]