Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

IRS Roundup


With the Biden regime arming the IRS with 87,000 soldiers, Americans are on high alert.

Church Militant’s Kristine Christlieb brings additional details about the massing of IRS troops.

Megyn Kelly, Fox News hostess, The Kelly File: “Then we found out that six other IRS employees’ emails apparently went poof! There’s [sic] terrible, terrible computer glitches at the IRS.”

Leading its newly centralized office is one of the seven IRS officials involved in covering up the service’s targeting of Tea Party groups for audit ahead of the 2012 elections.

Internal Revenue Service commissioner Charles Rettig is appointing veteran bureaucrat Nikole Flax to lead the Transformation and Implementation Office.

Flax, along with Lois Lerner and five other IRS officials, refused to cooperate with a DOJ investigation of the service’s potential illegal activities, scrubbing their computers of evidence and claiming their computers crashed.

Lerner, who was forced to resign and whose name has become synonymous with authoritarianism, was hoping to join Flax in an attempt to jail conservatives.


Lois says, “Hey, I just got a call from the DOJ. They are asking who they can talk to here at the IRS about Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s idea that we go ahead and criminally prosecute some of these conservative groups we think may be liars about their political activities.” So Lois is calling Nikole, saying, “This Democrat wants us to work with the DOJ to see about criminally prosecuting conservative groups.”

During this period, Flax met with former president Obama at the White House at least 31 times.

Kelly: “What do you view as the most significant development now? That the assistant to the commissioner went to the White House 31 times, or what?”

Jay Sekulow, chief counsel, American Center for Law and Justice: “Yeah, well, that’s obviously very significant, and the fact that her emails are also gone.”

If the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, conservative Americans are likely IRS targets. Be prepared to render unto Biden what he claims is his.

Despite the IRS claiming new agents will be targeting corporations and wealthy individuals, some tax analysts are warning average Americans to brace for a tax increase of $4500.