Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Kids are being browbeaten and threatened to ‘transition’

MAMARONECK, N.Y. ( – A two-part undercover exposé reveals an industry that uses shills as therapists and pressures children as young as 8 to pursue so-called gender transition without restrictions or accountability.

Trans shills admit to manipulating kids, parents for profit

Project Veritas (PV) recently released the exposé titled “Too Young,” which contains videos of medical officials and social workers in states like New York, New Jersey and Texas unwittingly disclosing to undercover PV journalists the inner workings of the lucrative so-called gender transition industry.

The PV feature further includes detransition advocates who explain how they were pressured and manipulated. 

“They [doctors] said it was transition or suicide,” explained Prisha Mosley, a detransition advocate and whistleblower. 

“Like, I was given no choice,” she added. “I was told, ‘You will kill yourself if you don’t go through with these treatments.'”

Shill Therapists, Secret Records, Illegals

Attorney Perry Farhat, the administrative director at Babs Siperstein PROUD Center in Somerville, New Jersey, divulged what his center thinks of the mental health of its clients. 

“We don’t care if you see a licensed therapist or not,” he told the PV reporter. “We don’t require that at all,” he continued. “So, we brought in our own therapist to write our letters to rubber-stamp surgeries.”

We brought in our own therapist to write our letters to rubber-stamp surgeries.

Farhat further revealed what his center thinks of accountability

“We do not provide the authorities any of our records,” he explained. 

According to Farhat, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and New Jersey’s previous governor, Chris Christie, have been highly supportive of the PROUD Center. 

“Financially, the state has not given us anything, but they’ve recognized us multiple times, which really helps us with our private — our foundation-building,” added Farhat.

He also revealed what his center thinks about clients who are illegally in the United States. 

Banking on Trans Kids

“We don’t ask about whether they’re documented or not,” he declared. “You know, it’s — I don’t want to scare any of our patients away.”

Daniel Fernandez, the LGBTQIA+ health navigator at the PROUD Center confirmed this: “We had a 14-, 15-year-old who was still undocumented,” he stated. “She just started hormones as well.”

Targeting Minors & Parental Consent

“We do have patients who are starting [trans treatments] as young as 8, 9,” said Nora Scott, a licensed social worker at Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin, Texas.

Dr. John Steever, who works in pediatrics and adolescent medicine at Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center in New York City, highlighted that he follows guidelines set by the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH). 

For children as young as 10, Steever uses puberty blockers to halt the development of secondary sexual characteristics, which, for girls, prevents breast development and menstruation.

You will be chasing constant drugs and surgeries for the rest of your life attempting this fallacy.

“When you then get to age 14 is when I’ll consider some, you know, cross-gender hormones,” he explained.

Steever expounded on how he deals with 14-year-old children:

Cross-gender hormones, testosterone in this case, you know, do have some permanent effects. So I need the patient to be a little — to be mature enough to make a relatively informed decision. I get it, that there are some 14-year-olds that are not, you know, mature — but generally speaking, they are usually pretty good.

Regarding parental consent, Mosley, the detransition advocate, explained: “I actually didn’t need parental consent.”

Prisha Mosley: Changing one’s sex is impossible

“My parents were just told that I was more likely to kill myself if they didn’t affirm me [as the opposite sex],” she added, “but I didn’t actually need their consent.”

Though, for Steever, it’s enough that a 14-year-old is only “relatively informed” to begin mutilating the child for life, Mosley highlighted such thinking is not rooted in reality and thus never brings real peace to the gender-confused. 

“Anyone who says that you can change your sex is lying to you. It will never happen,” she said. “You will be chasing constant drugs and surgeries for the rest of your life attempting this fallacy, but it will never happen,” added Mosley.

She concluded with a sobering truth: “All that will happen is you will be the same person with the same problems in a now-mutilated body.”

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