Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Rome: A Freemason Anglican Prelate Celebrates Liturgical Service in St. John Lateran

A group of 50 Anglican “priests” held a liturgical service in Rome’s cathedral, the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano. They celebrated with their “bishop.” The latter is divorced and remarried and notoriously a Freemason. The event took place on Tuesday, April 18. The main celebrant was Jonathan Baker, Anglican Bishop of Fulham since 2013.

“The Lateran Chapter expresses its deep regret for what happened last Tuesday inside the Basilica of St. John Lateran, where a group of 50 priests, accompanied by their bishop, all Anglicans, celebrated at the high altar of the cathedral of Rome, in violation of canonical norms,” lamented the vicar of the archpriest of the basilica, Monsignor Guerino Di Tora.

The thing is first of all very surprising because only the Pope or his vicar for Rome can give the approval for a celebration in the venerable basilica which is also the cathedral of Rome.

Then, whatever the reason that caused this situation, whoever gave the authorization “by mistake” could not have been unaware that the group of clerics was of the Anglican faith. This is where the policy of “Eucharistic” hospitality that was put in place after the Council leads.

This bishop and these priests cannot validly celebrate Mass since the Anglican confession has lost the apostolic succession as declared by Pope Leo XIII and therefore they cannot administer any sacraments.

Finally, this “bishop” is divorced and remarried, and to top it off he is a notorious and avowed Freemason – as is a good part of the high Anglican clergy for that matter.

The Archpriest of St. John Lateran has apologized for an Anglican worship service celebrated in the Roman cathedral, the Pope’s Cathedral, due to a “communication error,” the official explained.