Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican Silences God?

Well, the latest shoot-from-the-hip blast from Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández dropped today, and I had the sad impression that the anti-Catholic caricature of Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor had finally come to life. In the story, Our Lord Jesus Himself appears in Spain in the days of High Christendom and works a miracle. He’s […]

The House-Endorsed Definition of Antisemitism Provokes a Rift with Christianity

Above: American politicians march against antisemitism on November 14, 2023. Image credit: Mark Schiefelbein/AP. When the House of Representatives voted 320 to 91 last week in support of the Antisemitism Awareness Act, with only 21 Republicans opposing the bill, the dumbfounded reaction of conservative commentators shows that they didn’t listen carefully to Candace Owens’ recent […]

The Long Term Ramifications of Dignitas Infinita?

Above: a Texas Renaissance Festival battle. As readers are aware, last month Dignitas infinita was published. I do not wish to enter into a systematic critique, which Edward Feser, Jeanne Smits, and Peter Kwasniewski have already done very well. Rather, today I want to look at the method, the aftermath, the grounds (for that aftermath), […]

She Confronted the Pope About the Latin Mass

Was she the cause of the 1984 Indult? At OnePeterFive we promote what we term the “godfathers of Tradition” – those men and women who fought for the ancient Roman Rite and the Faith since the Iconoclastic revolution of the 1960s. As younger generations provide fresh energy to the Trad movement, it is not only […]

The Byzantine Sisters of the Theotokos of Fátima

Above: Згромадження сестер Пресвятої Богородиці Фатімської УГКЦ (Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Holy Theotokos of Fatima UGCC). Source. May 13, 2024 marks 107 years since the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos, first visited the Cova da Iria, near Fátima, to Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Venerable Sister Maria Lúcia of […]

The Father of Russian Philosophy Died a Catholic

In the realm of Russian philosophy, there stands a figure as towering as the great cathedrals of old Moscow – the city that carried and nourished the man whose name was Vladimir Solovyov. A thinker of profound intellect and spiritual insight, Solovyov was the first systematic Russian philosopher who formed the ground for international humanistic […]

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: Sunday after Ascension Thursday – What’s up?

The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, forty days after His Resurrection, was once graced with its own Octave. In 1955 Pius XII suppressed all but the Octaves of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. These three remain now in the Roman Church’s Vetus Ordo. However, the Octave of Ascension dated back only to the 15th […]

The Latin Mass for the Collegium

It is now public knowledge that as of August 2024, the traditional Latin Mass (TLM) will no longer be permitted at St. Mary’s Church in Hagerstown, MD, where The Collegium is located. We are greatly saddened by this action. We recognize that this mandate is being implemented by a direct order from Rome. It was […]

Is Russia a Counter-Balance to Western Triumphalism?

Above: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn writing. Any extended critique of Russia using a Catholic framework is bound to consider a range of issues: authority and communion with Rome; the theological and political legacy of the Eastern Roman Empire; Communist infiltration, destruction, suppression, and subversion of Christianity; blatant, murderous anti-Semitism…and the list goes on. Source

5 Steps to Organize a Lay-Led Eucharistic Reparation Prayer Event

In 2020, Bishop Athanasius Schneider called for a lay-led ‘Crusade for Eucharistic Reparation’ in response to profanity against the Eucharist which has become increasingly more evident, especially during and since Covid. Answering this call, lay and clerical, volunteers from around the globe, alongside the team at OnePeterFive, have been steadily growing the ranks of Eucharistic […]