Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A Moment of Christendom: the St. Louis Patronal Procession

Above: Patronal Festivity in Saint Louis, Missouri, 2022 On August 25th, my alarm clock rang at 3:45 a.m. The previous evening, we chant enthusiasts had parted with the words, “Tenebrae et Matutinum” (dark and early). With solemn vespers, we had ushered in the third annual Festival of Saint Louis, a liturgical whirlwind in honor of […]

Patrolman’s Fraternity of St. Michael

Recently on the podcast I had a pleasure of speaking with two Catholic cops (one retired) on their new lay apostolate for patrolmen. From what they told me, this is an important movement under the patronage of St. Michael that can really help our law enforcement. Any cops can join the fraternity, but it is […]

The Errors of Russia from Dostoevsky to Putin

Above: Fyodor Dostoevsky by Vasily Perov The recent deaths of former Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev and Orthodox Metropolitan Kallistos (Timothy) Ware brought forth eulogies, remembrances, and commentary in both the secular and religious spheres. Gorbachev was the face of the end of Communism, while Ware was likely the premier English language writer and explicator of […]

Classical Jesuit Music

Above: St. Francis bids farewell to his children to enter the Society of Jesus. Four hundred and fifty years ago, on September 30, 1572, a “prince among the saints, because he was a saint among the princes” died in Rome: Saint Francis Borgia.[1] Life The fourth duke of Gandía was born in this city in […]

What is Romanitas?

Why did Our Lord become incarnate at the dawn of the Roman Empire under Caesar Augustus? Why is the Roman tongue essential to the liturgy and western civilisation? The answer to both these questions is Romanitas. At OnePeterFive, we have been blessed to work with Vincenzo Randazzo in Rome, as both correspondent to news from Rome […]

True Fathers Resist the Holy Father

Above: three lay fathers issue their articles of resistance to Pope Francis at the CIC Conference, MMXXII. Photo by Allison Girone. At the risk of oversimplification, I do believe that the present crisis in the Church can be boiled down to a crisis of fatherhood. First, the fathers of the Liberal revolutions (beginning with John […]

Seeing Holy Mass with Carmelite Eyes

Above: depiction of Our Lady giving the brown scapular to the Carmelite Ss. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Therese of Lisieux from the church of Santa Maria della Victoria in Rome. Photo by Fr. Lawrence, OP. Read part I of this series “Seeing Holy Mass with Benedictine Eyes“ One of the most […]

The Rite of Investment with the Crusader Cross

Above: Mass of the Ages director Cameron O’Hearn takes up the cross of Eucharistic Reparation and is invested with the crusader cross by Bishop Athanasius Schneider. All photos by Allison Girone.   In the days of the eastern and northern crusades, special rituals and customs went with those who were said to “take up the […]

Let’s Continue the Growth of Catholic Counter-Culture

In reviewing Frank LaRocca’s Mass of the Americas release through Capella records on September 20th, I mentioned that in times and places of great sin and strife, great beauty is possible. That particular pursuit of great beauty was released on September 23rd, and yesterday we learned that Frank LaRocca’s Mass of the Ages debuted at […]

Hispanic Thanksgiving for Colonialism Day

In our modern epoch, we see the tactic of the Freemasons (and later the Marxists) is in writing ideological historical narratives designed to make Catholics ashamed of their history. Using textbook Communist tactics, these enemies of Christ find some real grievance somewhere in Christendom past or present, and then magnify and exaggerate this beyond all […]