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Catholic bishops of Belarus condemn war in Ukraine

ROME – As nations and international institutions continue to sanction Belarus for aiding Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, the bishops of Belarus released a statement saying that “war is a crime against God and man that deserves decisive and immediate condemnation.”

“In order for the parties to be able to hear each other, it is necessary that the weapon be silenced,” wrote the Belarusian bishops.

“We, the Catholic bishops of Belarus, together with our faithful are deeply concerned that the protracted political conflict between Russia and Ukraine has entered a phase of war,” says the statement published on the website of the bishop’s conference. “As a result, people die, cities, settlements and infrastructure are destroyed, hundreds of thousands of refugees are forced to seek refuge abroad.

The Belarusian bishops say that they “sympathize” with the neighboring Ukraine, “which is experiencing tragedy,” and that they support Pope Francis appeals for diplomacy and negotiations, noting the talks are, inf act, being carried out on Belarusian soil, in the hopes of “an immediate cessation of hostilities” and looking for reconciliation.

Belarus borders both Russia and Ukraine.

The bishops also voiced concern over the “information war” which they said causes “no less damage” and provokes hatred between peoples and nations.

“Today, when the future of not only Ukraine is being decided, everything possible must be done to find a peaceful solution to the conflict,” they wrote.

Lastly, they ask the faithful to continue praying and fasting in solidarity with Ukraine, but also for peace in Belarus, so that their country does not join the fighting: “We pray and ask that those on whom this depends on do not allow our country to take part in this war.”

On Tuesday, Ukraine had claimed that Belarus had joined the war sending troops into Ukraine, but a U.S. defense official briefing reporters said the U.S. had “no confirmation that the Belarusians are entering Ukraine, we’ve seen no indication of that,” according to Politico.

Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko denied that his country’s military has joined Russia’s attack: “No decisions were made by me,” said Lukashenko, a steadfast Putin ally isolated internationally over his campaign to concentrate power and crush dissent. “And without my decision, these units cannot even be withdrawn from the barracks.”

The White House does believe, however, that Belarus has “enabled” the invasion, that is already on its eighth day.

Yet on Wednesday, the World Bank said it had stopped all programs both in Russia and Belarus with immediate effect, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and “hostilities against the people of Ukraine.”

The International Olympic Committee also announced that athletes from Russia and Belarus will be banned from the Winter Paralympic games.

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