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Nicaragua: Diplomatic Source Announces Release of Bishop Alvarez

Alvarez, Bishop of Matagalpa, was arrested in August 2022 by the police. He was later convicted for supporting protesters opposing Daniel Ortega’s regime. It should be remembered that relations between a part of the Catholic Church and the government have been at their worst since 2018, following popular protests supported by certain priests and bishops.

The unidentified source added that the negotiations included the possibility of the bishop being expelled from the Central American country or being sent into exile. According to the source, if the bishop refuses to leave the country, he could be sent back to prison.

However, in February 2023, Bishop Alvarez had already refused to board the plane which was to take him to the United States. The trial concluded by sentencing the bishop to 26 years in prison for “treason.”

At the end of June, following his interview with Francis during his tour of Europe, Brazilian President Lula da Silva indicated that he was committed to favoring the release of Bishop Alvarez.

For the time being, nothing has filtered through on the influences or negotiations that led to this release. But it is more than likely that the condition linked to this release is the departure of the bishop for other climes.

The Reuters news agency announced the release of Bishop Rolando Alvarez on Tuesday July 4, 2023 at the end of the day, according to a diplomatic source. The source also said that negotiations between the government and the country’s Catholic bishops on the future of the ex-prisoner were underway, and that the prelate was in the bishopric of the capital.