Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Spin of the Union

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Last night, the fake-Catholic baby-killer-in-chief addressed the nation and the world. He laid out a vision to continue our nation’s steep decline and ignored the elephants in the room. Church Militant’s Paul Murano summarizes Biden’s State of the Union address, what he said and what he didn’t say.

Joe Biden took to the House podium last night for arguably the most important speech of his political life. Platitudes were inserted at the beginning, on the Ukrainian resistance.

President Joe Biden: “He met with a wall of strength he never anticipated or imagined — he met Ukrainian people.”

For the failing economy, he blamed the common Democrat scapegoat — the rich.

Biden: “Let’s make corporations and wealthy Americans start paying their fair share.”

From the leftist playbook, Biden promoted the indoctrination of toddlers, further separating children from parents.

Biden: “Pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds.”

He used the world’s biggest spotlight to support the mutilation of children who are gender confused.

Biden: “The onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans and their families is simply wrong.”

And the fake Catholic demanded prenatal murder be available for all.

Biden: “If you want to go forward and not backward, you must protect access to healthcare — preserve a woman’s right to choose.”

With an eye to the midterms, Biden called for funding the police, unmasking school children and securing the borders. What he didn’t mention may have spoken louder than his words.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas: “I’ll tell you four words that I didn’t hear at all tonight. I didn’t hear “crime.” … He didn’t say the word “China,” even once. … He didn’t say “Afghanistan” … and he didn’t say “Israel.” That was really striking in a State of the Union.”

Pundits agree: This speech did nothing to raise Biden’s poll numbers and did much to further support the Culture of Death.

Florida state representative Anthony Sabatini, a candidate for U.S. Congress, tweeted succinctly, last night, his frustration. “Worst State of the Union address in the history of our nation,” he said.

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