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Synod of Bishops releases 53-page document on spirituality of synodality (Synod of Bishops)

The General Secretariat for Synod of Bishops has published “Towards a Spirituality of Synodality.”

“One of the most significant aspects of the 2021-2023 Synod is the recognition that it is informed and shaped by a spirituality,” the 53-page document begins. “In developing a ‘spirituality for synodality,’ we find that it assists us in integrating our theological reflection and expanding our experience of the Church as we engage more deeply in the synodal process.”

The document, prepared by members of the Synod’s Spirituality Commission subgroup, has three sections: “Spirituality for Synodality – Some Central Themes,” “Practicing a synodal spirituality: Developing a Synodal Habitus,” and “Our Lady of the Way —Theotokos Hodegetria” (a reference to a Marian icon).