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Thalidomide 2.0?

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It’s been difficult to find the truth about COVID-19 through all the fake news from the establishment media. This isn’t the first time medical so-called professionals have pushed harmful treatment onto their patients. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Hunter Bradford looks back at a dangerous mid-20th century drug. 

COVID-19 vaccines are reminding some people of the drug thalidomide.

It was initially meant to be a sedative, but in the 1950s, mainly in Europe, it was eventually given to curb pregnant women’s morning sickness.

Unfortunately, scientists didn’t run any tests involving pregnant women, and back in the 1950s, doctors didn’t know a drug could affect a baby in the womb. So without question, they prescribed thalidomide.

It took five years to realize thalidomide could completely dismantle a baby’s limbs.

Edward Freeman: “I was given to my dad. Midwife explained, ‘no arms, no legs.'”

It’s estimated that over 10,000 babies worldwide were affected by the drug. Around half died within months of being born.

Dr. Martin Johnson, The Thalidomide Trust: “If the mother took the drug on around day 20, you’d be getting central brain damage, and 21 it would be the eyes, and 22 to 23 it would be the ears, the hearing and the face.”

Now, the question needs to be asked: Will the COVID jabs have aftereffects likened to thalidomide’s horrors?

On one level, the China virus vaccine is different. For those that need a reminder, remember this from Church Militant’s Dr. William Mahoney:

Dr. William Mahoney: “So, first, you’ve killed this child, and second of all you’ve taken cells from this child and are injecting them into other human beings. Even if a particular vaccine doesn’t have the actual baby cells in it, or fetal cells in it, it’s still connected hopelessly to that industry.”

There’s limited data about the COVID-19 jab’s effects on pregnant mothers, but Dr. Daniel Stock argues the numbers point to the jab being harmful.

Dr. Daniel Stock:

The reproductive data is, um, less robust, but we already have data that says it’s increasing the miscarriage rate. This is particularly frightening because a woman has every egg she will ever have in her life at birth, and if you destroy half of them with this vaccine, you can guarantee her fertility is reduced.

And, according to Alex Berenson, recent studies out of Israel and the United Kingdom actually attest to the claim: The vaccines don’t work. 

Alex Berenson: “I have to keep saying this to people because they almost don’t believe it: In the United Kingdom, seventy-plus percent of the people who die now from COVID are fully vaccinated. In Israel that was — 

Joe Rogan, podcast host: “Seventy percent?”

Berenson: “Seventy percent.”

If the effects of the vaccine are anything like thalidomide’s, the CDC and many world leaders would be exposed as some of the biggest liars in recent history.

Surprisingly, the United States is one country that didn’t approve of thalidomide for marketing and distribution. It was rejected by the Food and Drug Administration.

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