Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Transgender Priorities


Conflict continues to rage in Ukraine. The United States considers Ukraine an ally worth protecting but is limiting its support to sanctions against Russia. Church Militant’s Trey Blanton underscores one factor that has rendered the U.S. military ineffective against an opposing power.

Kamala Harris: “We are not going to put U.S. troops in Ukraine to fight the Russians on the ground or in the air. But we are firm.”

Democrats have pivoted the military focus from war to turning the Armed Forces into a transgender processing pipeline. Army commanders and subordinate officers have until June to be trained to enable transgenderism and force other soldiers to accept the ideology.

LTC Bree Fram, transgender officer, Space Force: “I think there have been huge changes in the minds of the military over the past six or seven years with regards to transgender service.”

Once the policy is fully implemented, liberals will have completed their social engineering project in America.

Under Democrats, public schools teach children that gender is flexible and then offer government employment in the Armed Forces, which will use taxpayer funds to pay for their so-called medical treatments.

LTC Bree Fram: “And what any modern military needs now is brainpower, and if people have to spend mental energy protecting their identity, that’s energy they can’t use to pursue the mission that they’re given.”

Part of the current officer training on the transgender procedure teaches soldiers are expected to maintain the physical fitness of their preferred gender, but allows the soldier to get an exception to the policy.

LTC Bree Fram: “Transgender people serving add to the diversity, the complexity and the capabilities of a military.”

Liberals have transformed the military from an honorable profession, dedicated to selfless service, into a mechanism for mental illness.

Democrats began the conservative purge from the military with the forced implementation of the COVID jab. Any soldier who refuses to comply with transgenderism can also be forced out of the military.