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WHO Loves Abortion


The World Health Organization is promoting international abortion on demand for any reason, at any time in pregnancy, regardless of circumstance. Church Militant’s Paul Murano uncovers the international anti-life agenda of the United Nations’ health care arm.

Rebecca Oas, director of research, C-Fam: “What the World Health Organization recently did was it updated its sort of technical guidance on what it calls ‘safe abortion.'”

Claiming abortion is a crucial part of health care, the World Health Organization is crystal clear about where it stands on prenatal murder. The acting director for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research for the WHO released a document earlier this month entitled “Abortion Care Guideline.”

The document overview states that “this guideline updates and replaces the recommendations in all previous WHO guidelines on abortion care.” It then suggests all laws curtailing or regulating abortion should be scrapped because they only provide unjust obstacles to the killing of children.

Oas: “Whatever the World Health Organization might say about your laws constituting a barrier to abortion, they have no right to tell your government, on this, what your laws should be.”

The document doesn’t even mention compromise positions, like banning sex selection or post-viability abortions. All laws against abortion access, it insists, are dangerous for “women, girls — or other pregnant persons.”

The document further attacks religious liberty by criticizing conscientious objection for physicians refusing to kill children.

The Luciferian Left, with its woke ideology, is in charge of international health care policies. And it has no mercy on the world’s most vulnerable citizens. 

The 210-page document gave much lip service to the dignity of women and girls but gave no hint of recognition for the humanity or dignity of the preborn child.


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